产品认证|对话团队-Intertek SAI Global视角下全球市场的变迁与机遇

在全球化的浪潮中,产品认证的重要性愈加凸显,不仅是企业合规的必要条件,更是提升品牌价值和市场竞争力的重要手段。随着2024年广交会的临近,企业在国际市场上认证需求将会更为重要,如何通过有效的产品认证策略来赢得市场份额,成为了许多制造商亟待解决的问题。作为出席此次广交会Intertek SAI Global商务代表团的全球销售经理,Glenn Barlow在过去的十年中亲历了这一行业的变革,他的经历和见解为我们揭示了全球认证市场的现状与未来。此次,在正式与大家面对面交流前,我们特意邀请他来为我们分享全球贸易的方向和机遇,希望能为制造商打开更多海外市场机会!

  • Please briefly introduce yourself, your industry and professional background and your experience with Intertek SAI Global?
  • 请简要介绍一下您自己、您的行业和专业背景以及您在 Intertek SAI Global 的工作经历?

My name is Glenn Barlow, Intertek SAI Global Product Services Commercial Sales Manager. I have been in this role for 10 years of assisting clients through what can be a complex pathway of certification.​ I lead a dedicated and professional global commercial team​ with two strategically placed staff in Beijing and Foshan to ensure we meet our client’s needs as they work their way through what can be a complex certification process. I have both operational and commercial experience for over 30 years, with my current role the importance and focus on understanding our client’s needs when trying to certify their products and what the regulatory requirements are for the markets being targeting.​ Also to provide them enough information so both a commercial and regulatory value will certification add.​

我叫 Glenn Barlow,Intertek SAI Global 产品服务商务全球销售经理。我担任这一职务已有10年之久,协助客户完成复杂的产品认证工作。我领导着一支敬业、专业的全球商务团队,战略性地在北京和佛山拥有团队成员,以确保我们能满足客户的需求,帮助他们完成复杂的认证流程。我拥有 30 多年的运营和商务经验,目前的工作重点是了解客户在产品认证过程中的需求,以及目标市场的监管要求。此外,还要为客户提供足够的信息,使认证既能增加其商业价值,又能增加监管价值。

  • Have you seen in any changes over the last few years in global trade demand, especially in Australia and working with Chinese manufacturers?
  • 在过去几年中,您是否发现全球贸易需求发生了变化,尤其是在澳洲和与中国制造商合作方面?

There has certainly been a major shift over the last 10 years and the importance of certification in relation to the Australian / NZ and other Global markets. A lot of this has been due to global issues or tragedies where loss or life has been caused by poor practices with products that haven’t met the regulatory requirements, this has exposed companies to large financial penalties or worse. There has been a large market shift that only 3rd party certified products can be used. Intertek SAI Global who is the oldest with hundred-year history and largest certification body in Australia also has the TradeMark 5 Ticks (StandardsMark) which has the strongest brand recognition and a trusted visual for people looking to purchase quality products.

毫无疑问在过去的 10 年里,澳大利亚/新西兰和其他全球市场的认证重要性发生了重大变化。这在很大程度上是由于一些全球性的问题或悲剧造成的,在这些事件中,由于不符合法规要求的产品所造成的人员伤亡或财产损失,使企业面临巨额经济处罚或更严重的后果。现今的市场已经发生了巨大的变化,只有第三方认证的产品才能被使用。而我们Intertek SAI Global 是澳大利亚历史最悠久、规模最大的认证机构,拥有百年历史,同时还拥有 TradeMark 5 Ticks(StandardsMark五勾标准标志认证),具有最强的品牌知名度,是人们购买优质产品时值得信赖的认证标志。

  •  What are the opportunities and challenges for Intertek SAI Global as a professional certification body to serve the Chinese market for nearly 10 years?
  • 作为服务中国市场超十年的专业认证机构,Intertek SAI Global 将面临哪些机遇和挑战?

With the changes in the importance of certification be it mandatory / the market demanding 3rd party accreditation, our global team of Sales and Technical specialists can assist manufacturers / importers navigate what can be very confusing pathways.  As part of Intertek family, we can offer a one stop solution fit when it comes to testing and certification and ensure that compliance to the regulatory requirements are met.

随着产品认证重要性的变化,无论是强制性认证还是市场对第三方认证的要求,我们的全球销售和技术专家团队都能帮助制造商/进口商在此非常容易令人混淆的进程中顺利前行。 作为 Intertek 大家庭的一员,我们可以提供一站式的产品测试和认证解决方案,从而确保符合法规要求。

  •  How do you evaluate our service team in China?

  • 您如何评价我们在中国的服务团队?

We have a very experienced China based staff and our collaboration and upskilling of the Intertek China staff which means we can provide a responsive and cost-effective service. Lily Fu who I recruited from the industry has a very strong technical background in developing high-quality and environmental-friendly piping, plastic tubing, fittings, and other piping products that cover plumbing, indoor climate, drainage, gas fields, and more. The addition of Lily to my team has been a wonderful addition to both Intertek SAI Global and our clients.

我们在中国拥有一支经验丰富的员工团队,我们与 Intertek 中国员工的合作以及对他们的培训,意味着我们能够提供快速响应和高性价比的服务。我们从业内聘请来的Lily Fu(付秀丽,产品认证高级商务经理)在开发优质环保的管道、塑料管材、管件和其他管道产品方面有着非常强大的技术背景,这些产品涵盖了管道、室内环境、排水、燃气等领域。Lily 的加入对于 我们Intertek SAI Global团队和我们的客户来说都是一个很好的补充。

Vincent Wang has been with the company for over 15 years and his knowledge of the certification process across all our schemes see him as one of the most well-respected members that can be approached and be trusted to provide accurate information or to assist clients globally with their various certification needs. Vincent also works closely with test facilities and connecting people so they can navigate this complicated pathway.

Vincent Wang(王铭明,产品认证高级商务经理)已经服务团队15年以上,他对我们所有认证计划流程都非常熟悉,是最受尊敬的团队成员之一,可为客户提供准确的产品认证信息或协助全球客户满足他们的各种认证需求。Vincent还与各测试机构密切合作,并联络相关认证资源,使客户们能够顺利通过这一复杂专业的认证流程。

  • Looking ahead, what are your expectations for Intertek SAI Global’s business in China and for our customers?
  • 展望未来,您对Intertek SAI Global在中国的业务发展以及我们的客户有何期望?

Presently nearly 60% of the Intertek SAI Global certified products come from Chinese manufacturing and is recognised by many markets as a premium certification across all channels of the building and construction industries. This has been a steady growth over the past 10 years that I have been with the business, I can see this increasing as China navigates through the current fiscal downturn and this will rebound. As the global and Australian / NZ markets are starting to climb and the building industry in particular recovers this will encourage Chinese manufacturers seek selling products into one of their closest and largest markets.

目前,Intertek SAI Global近60%的认证产品来源自中国制造,其认证被许多市场认可为建筑行业所有渠道的优质认证。在我任职团队的过去10年当中,这一比例一直在稳步增长,我可以预见的是,随着中国渡过当前的经济衰退期,这一比例将会进一步回升。随着全球和澳大利亚/新西兰市场开始提振,特别是建筑行业的复苏,这也将进一步鼓励中国制造商们寻求将产品销售到澳洲即他们最近和最大的市场之一。

在产品认证的重要性愈发凸显今天,像Glenn Barlow一样的Intertek SAI Global全球团队以丰富的经验和深入的市场洞察,深耕这一充满机遇与挑战的认证行业。Intertek SAI Global作为行业的领军者,将继续为客户提供高效、专业的认证服务,助力他们在全球市场中获得成功。有出口海外市场的厂商可即刻扫描下方二维码与我们的商务代表获取联系,于广交会为您详细共商定制认证方案!