SAI Global关于疫情期间FSC® CoC项目的审核安排说明

Dear clients,

您好!鉴于当前新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的流行,目前全球大多数地区受到旅行限制,FSC于2020年3月17日修订了对疫情期间开展审核工作所给出的指导意见(参见PSU Derogation)。即日起,SAI Global中国将在此期间适用以下规则开展相关工作:
Because of the pandemic of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), vast areas of the world are subject to travel restrictions, FSC has amended some guidance for the conduct of audits during the epidemic (referring to PSU Derogation). From now on, SAI Global China will apply the following rules during this period:

1. 监督审核

Surveillance audit


Until December 31, 2020 or until withdrawn, remote desktop audits can be conducted for regions and enterprises that meet the applicable conditions. The audit duration and documents/information required remain unchanged.


A. 贸易型企业

B. 生产制造企业:自上次审核至今,无FSC认证产品/材料的采购及销售行为

C. 生产制造企业:自上次审核至今,有FSC认证产品/材料的采购及销售行为,需满足如下条件:

  1. a) 没有未关闭严重不符合项;
  2. b) 不是多场所认证;
  3. c) 没有外包过程;
  4. d) 没有未解决的投诉.



Applicable types:
A. Trade enterprises
B. Manufacture enterprises: with no purchases and sales of FSC certified products/materials since the last audit.
C. Manufacture enterprises: with purchases and sales of FSC certified products/materials since the last audit, and based on the assessment of the scale, intensity and risk of the Organization’s activities, the following conditions should be considered:

  1. a) No open major CARs;
    b) Not multi-site certification;
    c) No outsourcing process;
    d) No ongoing complaints.

Applicable areas:
Inside and outside of China

2. 扩项审核

Scope Expansion

需要由单一场所增至多场所、增加新的外包供应商等扩项审核的企业,SAI Global将视情况逐一评估。

For enterprises that require scope expansion for the addition of a site to a multisite, addition of a new outsourcing contractor, SAI Global will evaluate the situation case by case.

3. 换证审核

Re-certification audit

a) 没有未关闭严重不符合项;
b) 不是多场所认证;
c) 没有外包过程;
d) 没有未解决的投诉.

If your certificate is due to expire in 2020, it may be extended for up to twelve (12) months beyond its original expiry date by performing a remote surveillance audit but should consider the following conditions. A recertification audit shall then be performed before the maximum 12 months extension expires in order to renew certification.
a) No open major CARs;
b) Not multi-site certification;
c) No outsourcing process;
d) No ongoing complaints.

4. 不符合项关闭

Non-conformity closure

A. 严重不符合
a) 需要现场关闭的严重不符合项,可延期3个月现场关闭,三个月到期如疫情依然持续,我们将评估风险后考虑远程关闭或继续延期至六个月。
b) 不需要现场关闭的严重不符合项,在正常期限3个月内关闭。

A. Major non-conformity
a) For major non-conformities requiring on-site visit, an extension of three (3) months can be granted. If the outbreak continues after the three-month period, we will assess the risk and consider remote closure or extend to six (6) months.
b) For major non-conformities not requiring on-site visit, the normal 3 months delay remains unchanged to close the non-conformities

B. 轻微不符合

B. Minor non-conformity
Remote closure should be conducted within 12 months of issuing the non-conformity.

5. 初次认证审核

Initial certification audit

SAI Global中国目前接受初次认证申请。根据FSC要求,所有新申请项目需要进行现场审核。SAI Global将在疫情稳定、可安全审核的情况下立即安排现场审核。

SAI Global China currently accepts initial certification applications. According to FSC’s requirements, all new applications require on-site audits. SAI Global will arrange for an onsite audit as soon as the conditions are stable and allow for a safe audit.

6. 转机构认证审核

Transfer audit

SAI Global中国目前接受转机构认证申请。所有允许转入的项目需要进行现场审核。SAI Global将在疫情稳定、可安全审核的情况下立即安排现场审核。

SAI Global China currently accepts the applications about transfer of the certification to SAI Global. All approved transfer applications require on-site audits. SAI Global will arrange for an onsite audit as soon as the conditions are stable and allow for a safe audit.

SAI Global 中国
SAI Global China